Friday Happy Hour and Sunday Flight

Friday Happy Hour 7/21

We’re Not in Germany Anymore, Toto!

Despite its German heritage, Riesling is a global endeavor. From the Finger Lakes to California's Central Coast and many more places in between, the geopolitical boundaries of modern Germany cannot contain the global passion for this revered grape. Jump start your weekend into the upper stratosphere with this Friday's happy hour tasting!

4 Wines. $10. Starts at 5pm.


Sunday Flight 7/23

Back in the USA

After an extended celebration of French wines, it's time for a check in on Murika.  Perhaps what's most exciting about domestic wines is the ever expanding spectrum of varietals not call Cab Sauv, Chardonnay, or Pinot Noir and the young producers offering delicious iterations of them. Finish your weekend with a dose of fermented grape patriotism, and join us this Sunday. We'll try to scrounge up some Linda Ronstadt and Chuck Berry for ya. See you soon.

5 Wines. $15. Starts at noon.